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Instructions for using Constructive Microbes

  1. Careful watering
    The effect of Constructive Microbs is powerful as they significantly improve water absorption in the soil. Therefore, water carefully to avoid overwatering and associated negative effects such as root rot.

  2. Adjust the amount of water
    After the humus layer has formed, the soil needs less water. Therefore, reduce the amount of watering accordingly so as not to overload the plants.

  3. Observe plants closely
    Watch for signs of overwatering and adjust watering accordingly. Patience and attention will help you achieve the best results.


Our Constructive Microbes consist of a careful combination of various beneficial microorganisms that perform important tasks in plant and soil care:


Photosynthetic Bacteria (Phototrophic Bacteria): These microorganisms use sunlight to synthesize organic compounds. They play a key role in improving soil fertility and reducing pollutants. A well-known example is the Rhodopseudomonas bacterium.

Yeasts (saccharomycetes): Yeast fungi, such as Saccharomyces cerevisiae, support the decomposition of organic material and promote the growth of beneficial microorganisms in the soil. They contribute to the formation of a healthy humus layer that makes nutrients bioavailable to plants.

Lactobacilli (lactic acid bacteria): This group includes bacteria such as Lactobacillus plantarum, which regulate pathogenic microorganisms in the soil. They produce lactic acid, which improves soil quality by suppressing harmful fungi and pathogens.


These microbes work in harmony to promote soil health, retain water and sustainably increase crop yields.


Using Constructive Microbes: Step-by-Step Guide

  1. Control soil moisture
    Start by checking the moisture level of the soil. Balanced moisture is crucial for the Constructive Microbes to be fully effective.

  2. Mixing the solution
    Mix 1 ml of Constructive Microbes in 1 liter of water in a ratio of 1:1000. This mixture provides the perfect concentration to provide your plants with optimal nutrition.

  3. Watering plants
    Water the desired plants with the prepared solution. The microbes immediately begin to exert their natural effect in the soil.

  4. Regular use
    Repeat this process every 5 days to continuously improve soil quality and optimize plant nutrition.

  5. Humus layer formation and water reduction
    After 2 to 4 weeks, a stable layer of humus forms. From this point on, the sustainable reduction in water consumption begins, as the microbes store the water more efficiently in the soil.

This simple and effective application strengthens your plants sustainably and ensures healthy, productive soils.

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